Nestor de la torre cuadros

Symbolismart movement

A pictorial project that the artist developed throughout his life. It consists of the series Poema del Atlántico (or Poema del Mar), and the unfinished Poema de la Tierra; as well as two other collections, Poema del Fuego and Poema del Aire, which he never began.

It represents the continuation of his symbolist period. It is a full-length portrait in which the haughty attitude of the woman comes to connect with a rigid composition, devoid of movement, in which the intense red and orange tones flood the canvas.

Three different sources of inspiration converge in this work: the classical myth of Eros, Greek god of love and passion; the embroidered fabrics of Manila (Philippines); and Nestor’s admiration for the European Baroque, represented by the fountain in the Plaza de Santo Domingo (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), a notable example of this artistic style in the Canary Islands.

May 4th

A pictorial project that the artist developed throughout his life. It is made up of the series Poema del Atlántico (or Poema del Mar), and the unfinished Poema de la Tierra; as well as two other collections, Poema del Fuego and Poema del Aire, which he never began.

It represents the continuation of his symbolist period. It is a full-length portrait in which the haughty attitude of the woman comes to connect with a rigid composition, devoid of movement, in which the intense red and orange tones flood the canvas.

Three different sources of inspiration converge in this work: the classical myth of Eros, Greek god of love and passion; the embroidered fabrics of Manila (Philippines); and Nestor’s admiration for the European Baroque, represented by the fountain in the Plaza de Santo Domingo (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), a notable example of this artistic style in the Canary Islands.

Josefina de la torrespanish poet

Canarian painter who participated extensively in the European Symbolist and Modernist currents, leaving a work considered, unanimously by experts, essential to know in detail these artistic movements.

Nestor is one of the Canarian painters best known outside the islands for his renown and the value of his work. This is framed within the modernist movement, of which he is considered the main representative in Canarian painting, and his creations stand out for the artist’s use of light, mainly in the pictorial series Poema de los Elementos (Poem of the Elements).

This pictorial project was developed by the artist throughout his life. It is made up of the series Poema del Atlántico (or Poema del Mar), and the unfinished Poema de la Tierra; as well as two other collections, Poema del Fuego and Poema del Aire, which he never began.

It represents the continuation of his symbolist period. It is a full-length portrait in which the haughty attitude of the woman comes to connect with a rigid composition, devoid of movement, in which the intense red and orange tones flood the canvas.

Perez galdos theater wikipedia

The City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria dedicates a room of the Castillo de Mata Museum to an exhibition that recovers drawings and engravings of Néstor Martín Fernández de La Torre, a series of works that correspond to different stages of the artist’s life and that can be visited until November 7.

The City Hall of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria dedicates a room of the Castillo de Mata Museum to an exhibition that recovers drawings and engravings by Nestor Martin Fernandez de La Torre, a series of works that correspond to different stages of the artist’s life and that can be visited until November 7.

The City Hall of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria dedicates a room of the Castillo de Mata Museum to an exhibition that recovers drawings and engravings by Nestor Martin Fernandez de La Torre, a series of works that correspond to different stages of the artist’s life and that can be visited until November 7.

The City Hall of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria dedicates a room of the Castillo de Mata Museum to an exhibition that recovers drawings and engravings by Nestor Martin Fernandez de La Torre, a series of works that correspond to different stages of the artist’s life and that can be visited until November 7.