Ceesepe la casa encendida

andar encorvados – farewell to the 13 modern vices

Ceesepe, who shortly afterwards would become a leading figure in what is known as the movida, acted as a bridge between the two cities, establishing a fundamental link between the Rastro and Las Ramblas, that is, between two hegemonic places in the new flow of freedom that was emerging first in Barcelona and then in Madrid.

Thus, with one foot in each city, Ceesepe set up his own adventure in the Rastro, together with photographer Alberto García-Alix: Cascorro Factory, a comic stall and imprint of the handmade publications created with his friends, among others, Ouka Leele and El Hortelano.

In the second room stands out El Tacón cubano, a comic in which the drawing format is much larger. Politically incorrect and contentious by nature, the comic allowed a beginner like Ceesepe to experiment with drawing and also with its narrative possibilities.

la terraza magnética 2019 (summary) | la casa encendida

In the same book, Jordi Costa writes: «Slober will be the most iconic creation of the purely underground Ceesepe, a character that will function, to a certain extent, as a pulsional alter ego of the artist and that will advance as a vector of transgression and cruelty through dark universes governed by horror vacui».

Thus, with one foot in each city, Ceesepe set up his own adventure in the Rastro, together with the photographer Alberto García-Alix: Cascorro Factory, a comic stall and imprint of the handmade publications created with his friends, among others, Ouka Leele and El Hortelano.

visiting my collection

La Casa Encendida presents the exhibition Vicios Modernos. Ceesepe 1973-1983, dedicated to the graphic work of Carlos Sánchez Pérez (Madrid 1958-2018) better known as Ceesepe, who before becoming the painter who extracted poetry from the bad streets of Madrid, was a precocious and brilliant cartoonist.

On display here are some of the drawings he made for Pedro Almodovar’s opera prima: Pepi, Luci, Bom y otras chicas del montón, and some of his more sophisticated comics: «La lucha», «El día que muera Bombita» and «Estrellita se va a New York». In this section, color is the absolute protagonist.

selfie exposición ceesepe en la casa encendida

Después de la guerra civil, del reinado fascista de Franco durante casi cuarenta años y de los rigores de una oposición intelectual de férrea ortodoxia de izquierdas, los jóvenes modernos que desembarcaron en Madrid desde los cuatro puntos cardinales de España a partir de 1975 pretendían sacudirse el autoritarismo, la religiosidad y los dogmas de cualquier ideología. cualquier ideología-para actualizar ropas y filosofías, seguir modas y tendencias o inventarlas. Las chicas (y los chicos) de La Movida sólo querían divertirse, o eso parecía. Este estudio se centra en los primeros dibujos y películas experimentales de Carlos Sánchez Pérez (1958-2018), que acabaría convirtiéndose en Ceesepe: uno de los artistas más destacados de La Movida, esa corriente urbana contracultural que palpitó desde la desaparición de Franco hasta finales de los años ochenta. Y nos recuerda de nuevo que en los círculos creativos de Barcelona o Madrid hubo más activismo social y cultural del que se le atribuye a la época: nuevas políticas del cuerpo, nuevas ideas sobre el género, una nueva conciencia queer, nuevas formas de entender el feminismo.